
Selected talks and publications

  1. Claudia Draxl
    How big is Big Data?
    Invited Talk, Chemical Sciences Farady Discussion, Oxford, September 10-12, 2024
  2. Claudia Draxl
    FAIR data towards new insights into materials
    Plenary Talk, XXth Rencontres du Vietnam on Materials Informatics, August 23-25, 2024
  3. Claudia Draxl
    FAIR data for accelerated materials discovery: The NOMAD project
    Invited Talk, CIMTEC, Montecatini Therme, Italy, June 20-04, 2024
  4. Claudia Draxl
    From research data to data-centric research [video]
    Invited Talk, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, 2024
  5. Markus Scheidgen
    FAIR research data management for materials science with NOMAD
    Invited Talk, TKFDM Coffee Lecture Serie, June 28, 2023
  6. Claudia Draxl
    High-throughput spectroscopy and materials discovery by beyond-DFT workflows and data-analysis frameworks [video]
    Invited Talk, IPAM Workshop III: Complex Scientific Workflows at Extreme Computational Scales, Los Angeles, May 2, 2023
  7. Markus Scheidgen
    Schemas for Research Data – Enabling material scientists to define, provide, and use data [slides]
    Invited Talk, FONDA DSL Workshop, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, March 17, 2023
  8. Luca Ghiringhelli
    Materials Data after FAIR Principles-Use Cases, Facilitation and Infrastructure
    Invited Talk, The 2nd MGE Workshop towards Materials Data Standards & CSTM FC97 Forum, 2022, Febuary 16, 2023
  9. Markus Scheidgen
    Usage of PIDs in NOMAD now and in the future [slides]
    Invited Talk, Base4NFDI PID Workshop 2023, January 27, 2023
  10. Markus Scheidgen
    Data Management [slides]
    Invited Talk, IKZ Winterschool 2023, Berlin, January 23, 2023
  11. José A. Márquez Prieto
    AI-Ready Experimental Data of Novel Solar Cells in the NOMAD Laboratory
    Invited Talk, ISusMat: Bridging Modelling and Measurement, January 11, 2023
  12. Markus Scheidgen
    Structured data acquisation with NOMAD's ELN functions [video]
    Invited Talk, NFDI-MatWerk Introductory Session, December 8, 2022
  13. Claudia Draxl
    From traditional physics research to data-centric approaches: Impact of the "I" in FAIR [abstract]
    Webinar, Journal of Materials Informatics Webinar, September 15, 2022
  14. Matthias Scheffler
    Learning Rules for Materials Properties and Functions by Artificial Intelligence
    Invited Talk, US Materials Research Society Fall Meeting, December 2, 2021
  15. Matthias Scheffler
    Artificial Intelligence for Surface Science and Heterogeneous Catalysis: Learning Rules and Creating Maps of Materials Properties
    Plenary Talk, 9th International Symposium on Surface Science (ISSS9), December 1, 2021
  16. Claudia Draxl
    From FAIR Data to Knowledge and Novel Materials [abstract]
    Invited talk at the conference Physics for Society: Grand Challenges in the HORIZON 2050, Berlin, October 28-29, 2021
  17. Claudia Draxl
    FAIRmat – Making Materials Data Findable and AI Ready
    Invited talk, Fall Meeting of the German Physical Society (DPG), virtual meeting, September 28, 2021
  18. Claudia Draxl
    From Data Mining to Knowledge: Refining a Precious Raw Material of the 21st Century [abstract]
    Keynote Talk , International Symposium on Nanoscale Research, Leoben, Austria, September 20, 2021
  19. Claudia Draxl
    FAIR Data and Artificial Intelligence towards New Horizons in Materials Research
    Plenary talk, EUROMAT 2021, virtual meeting, September 12-16, 2021
  20. Claudia Draxl
    FAIRmat’s Approach to Data-centric Science [abstract]
    Invited talk, SHU - MGI - FAIR-DI Workshop 2021 on FAIR-Data-Driven Materials Research, China, virtual meeting, June 17, 2021
  21. Claudia Draxl
    From data to knowledge
    Invited talk, International Materials Square Workshop on Computer-Aided Materials Discovery, Korea, virtual meeting, June 3, 2021
  22. Claudia Draxl
    From data to knowledge
    Invited talk, FunMat-II seminar on AI and machine learning for materials design, Sweden, virtual meeting, June 3, 2021
  23. Claudia Draxl
    From physics today to publishing and research of tomorrow [abstract]
    Physics Colloquium, University of Kiel, May 4, 2021
  24. Claudia Draxl
    From data to knowledge
    Seminar, 4th installment of the CECAM Mixed-Gen series on the topic of Data Driven Science, April 8, 2021
  25. Claudia Draxl
    New Horizons for Materials Research
    Invited talk, APS March Meeting, March 15-19, 2021
  26. Claudia Draxl
    Recycle the Waste!
    Talk, APE, January 12-13, 2021
  27. Claudia Draxl
    FAIR Data Infrastructures Towards New Horizons for Materials Research
    Talk, 2020 Virtual MRS Fall Meeting, December 4, 2020
  28. Matthias Scheffler Claudia Draxl
    Sharing is caring! Mit FAIRem Datenmanagement und KI die Materialien der Zukunft entdecken (DE) [video]
    Plenary talk together with Peter Frensch, Berlin Science Week, November 10, 2020
  29. Claudia Draxl
    FAIRmat - FAIR Data Infrastructure for Condensed-Matter and Chemical Physics [video]
    Keynote, EPICS Collaboration Fall Meeting, October 19-20, 2020
  30. Claudia Draxl
    Predicting Properties of Complex Materials: Challenges for Modern Ab Initio Theory [video]
    HITS Colloquium, HITS, October 12, 2020
  31. Claudia Draxl
    Stepping Stones towards the Fourth Paradigm of Materials Science [abstract]
    Seminar, Research Training Group QM3, University Bremen, June 25, 2020
  32. Claudia Draxl
    New Horizons for Materials Research - Role of FAIR Data [video]
    Plenary talk, FAIR-DI e.V. virtual Conference on a FAIR Data Infrastructure for Materials Genomics, June 3-5, 2020
  33. Martin Aeschlimann
    Data Acquisition in Angle-Resolved Photoemission Spectroscopy
    Satellite Workshop, FAIR-DI e.V. virtual Conference on a FAIR Data Infrastructure for Materials Genomics, May 30, 2020
  34. Claudia Draxl
    Towards FAIR Experimental Data
    Invited talk, Spring Meeting of the German Physical Society (DPG), Dresden, Germany, March [Meeting canceled due to COVID-19], March 8, 2020
  35. Claudia Draxl
    Verification and Error Estimates for Ab Initio Data
    Invited talk, Spring Meeting of the German Physical Society (DPG), Dresden, Germany, March [Meeting canceled due to COVID-19], March 8, 2020
  36. Claudia Draxl
    Opto-electronic Excitations of 2D Materials: Unraveling Similarities Through Fingerprints
    Invited talk, APS March Meeting, Denver, USA [Meeting canceled due to COVID-19], March 6, 2020
  37. Claudia Draxl
    Data-driven Research: the Fourth Paradigm of Materials Science
    Werkstoffwissenschaftliches Kolloquium, January 28, Erlangen, 2020
  38. Claudia Draxl
    Verification and Error Estimates for Ab Initio Data
    Invited talk, Materials Research Meeting 2019 (MRM2019), Yokohama, Japan, December 10-14, 2019
  39. Claudia Draxl
    Computational Materials Science: From Phase Diagrams to Optical Excitations and Data-driven Research
    Physikerinnentagung, Berlin, Germany, November 20, 2019
  40. Claudia Draxl
    FAIR Data Management in Materials Science - From Sample Synthesis to Artificial-intelligence
    Invited talk, workshop on Forschungsdatenmanagement und Maschinelles Lernen in den Ingenieurwissenschaften am Beispiel der Materialwissenschaften, Karlsruhe, Germany, November 19-20, 2019
  41. Claudia Draxl
    Open and Data-driven Science – the Need for a FAIR Data Infrastructure
    Plenary talk, 5th International Conference on Molecular Simulation (ICMS 2019), Jeju, Korea, November 3-6, 2019
  42. Claudia Draxl
    Benchmark Calculations Towards Ultimate Precision in Density-Functional Theory
    Invited talk, Big Data Summer: A Summer School of the BiGmax Network, Platja d’Aro, Spain, September 9-13, 2019
  43. Claudia Draxl
    The NOMAD Encyclopedia – a Tool for Exploring Computed Data
    Invited talk, Big Data Summer: A Summer School of the BiGmax Network, Platja d’Aro, Spain, September 9-13, 2019
  44. Claudia Draxl
    The NOMAD Project
    Invited talk, Workshop Hands-On DFT and Beyond: High-throughput screening and big-data analytics, towards exascale computational materials science, Barcelona, Spain, August/September 6, 2019
  45. Claudia Draxl
    Artificial Intelligence in Materials Science - Hype or Revolution?
    Plenary talk, Joint Annual Meeting of the Swiss Physical Society and the Austrian Physical Society, Zurich, Switzerland, August 26-30, 2019
  46. Claudia Draxl
    Shaping the Fourth Paradigm of Materials Science
    Invited talk, 11th International Conference on Magnetic and Superconducting Materials (MSM11), Seoul, Korea, August 22, 2019
  47. Claudia Draxl
    Verification and Error Estimates in Ab-initio Calculations
    Invited talk, Symposium on Machine Learning in Materials Genome, Spetses, Greece, June 16-21, 2019